Why do you need this? Well, the daunting eyeliner draws all the attention to your eyes and perfects your entire makeup look, making it every makeup user’s first love and a staple in every glam makeup routine. Can you think of an iconic look that doesn’t make use of eyeliner? Ya.. Didn't think so! 😎😎 A killer eyeliner look can absolutely lift and highlight your natural features, but an eyeliner job done bad can be a fashionista nightmare!.. 😖
Every makeup user has faced the same situation before - running late for an event, struggling to perfect the winged eyeliner look & eventually ruining their makeup. Guess what!! With Novavii’s short and crisp blog filled with tips and hacks, we scoured tiktok, instagram etc., you needn't worry! Add these tips to your arsenal & you'll never have a bad eyeliner day. Our easy-peasy steps that can be included in your makeup routine will soon make you a master at eyeliner application. 💝💝
Part 1 - Mastering the winged eyeliner look using household object
Finally! Hacks that make use of items that most of us will have at home.

Part 2 - Eyeliner Application Tips
Part 2 - Eyeliner Application Tips
Tip 1 - Dotting Method
Tip 2 - Sharpening with Foundation
Getting the perfect line the first time is quite hard, so we got a hack that will make your life easier. First, draw a rough line then sharpen the line with a fine tip brush dipped in your foundation. This could also help highlight those sharp wings! 🥵
Bonus tip - You can also use a cotton bud dipped in a little micellar water, which acts as a DIY liquid eraser. We not a huge fan of this tip but it could be a rare solution to all of your crooked cat eye problems.
Tip 3 - Pencil, then Liquid
Using an eye-pencil/kajal specifically made for the waterline helps reduce those makeup disaster we all hate - Racoon eyes. First, use a kajal to define the look you want to create. Then go ahead and fill it in with liquid eyeliner to achieve your desired look! There you go - Your glamorous look has been achieved without the stress that makes you want to rip your hair off! 😫 Caveat though - this may not work for think lines & intricate designs. But definitely a go for a bold look!
Tip 4 - Shaky Hands? We got you!
Don't worry! This 4-step procedure will prevent a number of jerky mess-ups.
- Sit down
- Place your elbow on a flat surface
- Rest your pinky on your cheek - This helps stabilize your face.
- Clench your toes - Trust us, we were sceptical at first but it works. This hack is used by a large number of makeup artists too! 🤌
- Bonus Tip: A dab of primer/concealer can work wonders for fixing smudges. 👈👈
Part 3 - Eyeliner Alternatives
So we thought we'll up it a notch and give you some awesome tips to keep your fashion game lit with some DIYs✌